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How is your selected stock performing in terms of fundamentals against not just a few peers, but the whole industry, sector or index?
Discover under and over performing companies by leveraging financial data benchmarks of various sizes.
We also enable you to create your own customized benchmarks to evaluate financial performance of stocks that interest you.
Under & Over Performers
Get valuable insights by comparing stock financial data against a benchmark of choice.
Choose from a multitude of metrics: ratios, margins, growth rates and valuation amongst others.
Search through thousands of stocks listed on U.S. exchanges and discover hidden value by leveraging AlphaFinn custom made benchmarks and screeners, as well as create your own based on your criteria.
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Financial and Macro Data In Seconds
Save hours with our intuitive and easy to use platform dashboards.
Access all of the data in one place: from standardized benchmarks, individual companies, financial fundamental data to macroeconomic indicators.
Have the ability to overlay multiple data points to discover underlying relationships and uncover hidden insights.
It’s also possible to export the selected data into Excel.
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Why Our Customers Choose AphaFinn
“AlphaFinn has been very useful to quickly and easily get an understanding of the current and historical conditions of the financial stability of public companies, all of that overlaid with macro data. It has been a great time saver as I don’t have to fetch various data points from different sources.”
Rokas Norvilas
Senior Economist
“When I used to evaluate companies, I only compared 5-10 competitors at best. It was not possible to make more comprehensive comparisons in an efficient manner, such as having a benchmark. I haven’t come across anywhere else, other than AlphaFinn the ability to compare a stock to a broader benchmark.”
Aurimas Mazuras
Individual Investor
“What I enjoy about AlphaFinn is that it’s a very intuitive platform with good visuals. Also, the price-quality ratio is one of the best that I’ve come across within the industry personally.”
Mantas Lisauskas
PE Assistant VP
Why Our Customers Choose AphaFinn
“AlphaFinn has been very useful to quickly and easily get an understanding of the current and historical conditions of the financial stability of public companies, all of that overlaid with macro data. It has been a great time saver as I don’t have to fetch various data points from different sources.”
Rokas Norvilas
Senior Economist
“When I used to evaluate companies, I only compared 5-10 competitors at best. It was not possible to make more comprehensive comparisons in an efficient manner, such as having a benchmark. I haven’t come across anywhere else, other than AlphaFinn the ability to compare a stock to a broader benchmark.”
Aurimas Mazuras
Individual Investor
“What I enjoy about AlphaFinn is that it’s a very intuitive platform with good visuals. Also, the price-quality ratio is one of the best that I’ve come across within the industry personally.”
Mantas Lisauskas
PE Assistant VP
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